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  • Writer's pictureKaitlynn Wulfekuhle

Physical Benefits of Swimming

Why is swimming such a good sport for your body? As well as being fun, swimming is a great way to stay fit. Swimming is a healthy activity that you can continue for a lifetime and has many physical and mental health benefits.

Example of Recreational Swimming

Swimming is unlike any other aerobic workout. Swimming is the ideal exercise for many people, such as those with osteoarthritis, who suffer from weight-bearing exercise as it’s a low-impact sport. But don’t worry, your body is working harder when you’re in the pool. Moving through water puts more external pressure on your limbs than out-of-water training. It also improves the strength of your respiratory muscles as you have to learn to breathe a different way in the water.

Swimming is a great recreational activity for people of all ages. Recreational swimming can provide you with a low-impact workout and it’s also a good way to relax. Many people are referred to aquatic therapy, or treatments and exercises performed in water for physical rehabilitation, in a recreational swimming pool. This can also help people relax, stay fit, and gives other therapeutic benefits. Some people also swim competitively. This can provide the health benefits of a very intense workout as well as the thrill of competing against others. People who swim competitively swim for teams and have very intense workouts almost every day.

Example of Competitive Swimming

Swimming isn’t all fun and games. For those who compete competitively like me, it is a very intense and serious sport. Girls swim season in Dunlap, for example, lasts from August to November with practice every day after school. In addition, we have 5:30 A.M. practice Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 7 A.M. practice on Saturdays. We don’t just swim, we also do “dry lands”, which are workouts that target muscle groups, such as abs, lungs, full body exercise circuits, and weightlifting every week. Swimming is an individual sport with a universally shared goal of the team winning. So how you swim as an individual affects the overall team performance.

Swimming is a great workout as you use nearly all of your muscles to push against the resistance of the water. Swimming is a great sport since it keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body. It also helps maintain a healthy weight, heart, and lungs. Swimming is known for toning muscles, building strength, and providing an all-over body workout.

Overall, swimming is the best exercise for your body. Since water is denser than air, you need to work harder to move, which means your lungs need to work harder to supply enough oxygen to your body to keep swimming. This gives your lungs a good workout, making them much stronger over time. Swimming also burns a lot of calories. For example, swimming for one hour everyday can burn up to 500 calories. Research also says that injuries are much less common in swimming when compared to other forms of exercise such as weightlifting, because swimming uses all the muscles without putting stress of impact force on them. If you're looking for a good workout to benefit your body, swimming is definitely the way to go!

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